The municipality of Guimarães, in partnership with the Landscape Laboratory, the Portuguese Camellia Association /ICS – Portugal and the Paço dos Duques – Museums and Monuments of Portugal, is promoting the 11th Guimarães Camellia Exhibition, to be held on 24 and 25 February.
This exhibition aims to publicise and enhance the natural heritage of camellias and is therefore an opportunity to discover a little more about this species, also known as the “japonica rose” or “japoneira”, which is considered by many to be the most admirable flower in our gardens.
24 February 2024
14h30 – Opening of the 11th Camellia Exhibition
14h45 – Awards ceremony
16h00 – Launch of the book “A Flora nas Coleções do Paço dos Duques de Bragança”, by Sasha Lima, Musical Moment (Guimarães Conservatory)
25th February
10h00 – Exhibition opening
10h00 – Guided tours of the Garden of the Monastery of Santa Marinha da Costa and the Gardens of Vila Margaridi* (Registration HERE)
16h00 – Musical performance (Guimarães Conservatory)
17h00 – Closing of the Exhibition
10h-12h and 15h -17h30 – Camélias Park Flavius: Visits without appointment
*Bus transport limited to 25 people. Seats must be reserved when registering for the visit. Bus leaves at 09.45 from Largo da Condessa de Mumadona (next to Guimarães Town Hall).