REACTivar Guimarães will seek to collaborate in the renaturalization and rehabilitation of the green and blue corridors, reactivating the ecological connectivity and the identity relationship between the river and the citizens.aThe REACTivar Guimarães – Renaturalização dos Corredores Verdes dos rios Ave, Selho e Vizela project aims to contribute to the rehabilitation of the green corridors in the Municipality of Guimarães, through the implementation of natural engineering solutions, accompanied by a continuous monitoring that evaluates the impact of the ecological restoration actions.

This project is the result of Guimarães Municipality’s commitment to the rehabilitation of river ecosystems, in line with the main guidelines of the Portuguese Environment Agency and the Ministry for the Environment and Climate Action. REACTivar Guimarães will seek to collaborate in the renaturalisation and rehabilitation of the green and blue corridors, reactivating the ecological connectivity and the identity relationship between the river and the citizens.


Renaturalisation and rehabilitation of the green corridors of the rivers Ave, Selho and Vizela, contributing to the mitigation of the effect of floods and flooding. Improving the ecological functions of the riparian gallery and stabilising the banks by implementing natural engineering techniques. Implementing measures to contain invasive species. Clearing weeds and invasive vegetation, cleaning up the river bed. Planting riparian forests. Rehabilitation of degraded structures. Desilting actions, including the removal of inventoried obstacles. Clearance of weirs and transverse obstacles in the riverbed.
Through the implementation of sensors that contribute to adequate intervention, effective monitoring and supervision of water resources, and alert and communication systems to the public.
Creation of a Communication Plan, in order to enhance the dissemination of the methodology and presentation of results, transforming it into an awareness-raising instrument.
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